So one fine day (it was actually in the evening, but hey) B, D and I were invited around to our good ol' mate Farmer Scotty's house on Mackie Street to sample his "Morrocan Feast". So we drove over there in B's awesome little car Barlow who was ripping up the streets, to find Scotty home alone (well, so would he be, being the only one in his share house who has actually moved in so far). So as us three girls set ourselves down in front of the TV, Scotty set to work figuring out what ingredients were needed. So began the hunt for an open IGA at 6pm. As it turns out, GPS's are absolutely no use in finding out where IGA's are located. Apparently, you have to actually know where it is you want to go. Stupid technology. After much a kerfuffle later, we had bought our 3 onions and chicken. ON TO THE HARD PART.
Back at home, Scotty took no time assigning us all random jobs around the kitchen. I ended up on bread duty, mixing yeast, milk, flour and water into a bowl creating the dough which would later be DELICIOUS! D was in charge of the scrumptious tomato and eggplant dish whilst B mixing it up between the pumpkin tangine and the tomato eggplant thingo. All the time, scotty is busy basically overseeing us newbies and making an almond chicken pie. Yummmmmmmms.
In the end, after 3 hours of hard labour, we got our food. After turning up at 6pm expecting to be spoon fed, we ended up being not too bad at all in the kitchen resulting in a DELLLECTABLE dish at 9pm. We were so starvarated! Made it taste all the better :D Definitely a great success.... just maybe a bit too complicated for our basic kitchen haha!
- Be prepared. Know what ingrediants you need to buy, and go shopping BEFORE you are due to start cooking.
- Be aware of stove size. A 4 hot plate stove top will not let you cook more than 4 pots at the same time.
- KNOW YOUR SPICES. Invest in a rainbow spice display if appropriate. Or borrow someone else's!
- Understand that a morrocan 'feast' is going to take more than 20 minutes to whip up.
9/10 (only not 10 cos of the time it took to make it. FOOD CRAVINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)